"Ophelia" - Odilon Redon 

Spring 2017 Mixtape

named after the infamous cyberattack this spring worldwide, WANNACRY is the Spring 2017 Boat mixtape exchange .

In light of both local and national tragedy that we exist and cohabitate  this year, this mix is a solemn meditation of what Spring traditionally means - death and new life - and what we are faced with in the reality that is 2017 - we find ourselves asking "Why?" and for "Whom" 

*The Rite of Spring ((Part 1)) - Stravinsky
*Love Without Sound - White Noise
*Please Come Home - The Tornados
*Who By Fire - Leonard Cohen
*Sleep Walk - Santo & Johnny Farina
*Tarkovsky ((The Second Stop is Jupiter)) - Patti Smith
*Come Wander With Me - Bonnie Beecher
*The Work of Death - Luboš Fišer
*Eventually - Brenda Lee
*Melancholy Waltz - Brian Eno & Robert Fripp
* Leave Her For Me - The Jades (Lou Reed)

*The Rite of Spring ((Part 2)) - Stravinsky
*Bye Bye - The Cosmic Rays (Sun Ra)
*Death Song - Robbie Basho
*Greensleeves - The Brothers Four
*Come to My Garden - Minnie Riperton
*Let the Sunshine in - Mort Garson
*Just Dropped in -The First Edition
*Fire Leap -Paul Giovanni & Magnet
*Coming on Strong - Brenda Lee
*Once Upon a Time in the West - Ennio Morricone
*Im so Glad you Love me - Juanita Rogers

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